Time-dependent optimal control of the linear scalar wave equation

Section author: Steven Vandekerckhove

Problem definition

The problem is to minimise the following tracking-type functional

\[J(y, u) = \frac{1}{2} \int_{0}^T | u(L, t) - u_\text{obs}(L, t) |^2 \, \, \mathrm{d}t,\]

subjected to the time-dependent scalar wave equation equation

\[\begin{split}u_{tt} - c^2 u_{xx} &= 0 \qquad \mathrm{in} \, \Omega \times (0, T), \\ u(x, 0) &= 0, \\ u(0, t) &= s(t), \\ u(L, t) &= 0,\end{split}\]

where \(c\) is the wave speed and \(\Omega = \left[0, L\right]\) is a one dimensional domain, for a given source function \(s(t) = \sin(\omega t)\):

In particular, we aim to

\[\min J(u, \omega) \textrm{ over } (u, \omega).\]


Using a classic central difference for discretizing in time, with time step \(\Delta t\), the time-discretized differential equation reads: for a given \(s^n\), for each time step \(n\), find \(u^{n+1}\) such that

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}\begin{split} \frac{u^{n+1} - 2 u^n + u^{n-1}}{\Delta t^2} - c^2 u^n_{xx} &= 0, \\\end{split}\\u(0, t^n) = s(t^n) &= s^n.\end{aligned}\end{align} \]

Let \(U\) be the space of continuous piecewise linear functions. Multiplying by test functions \(v \in U\), integrating by parts over \(\Omega\), the problem reads: find \(u_h^{n} \in U\) such that

\[\langle \frac{u^{n+1} - 2 u^n + u^{n-1}}{\Delta t^2}, v \rangle + \langle c^2 u^n_x, v_x \rangle &= 0,\]

hold for all \(v \in U\).


We start our implementation by importing the dolfin and dolfin_adjoint modules, together with the numpy and sys modules, for handeling storage and ui:

from __future__ import print_function
from dolfin import *
from dolfin_adjoint import *
import numpy as np

Next, we prepare the mesh,

# Prepare a mesh

and set a time step size:

# Choose a time step size

Since we want to add boundary conditions only on the left hand side, and make observations on the left hand side, we have to identify both sides separately:

# Compile sub domains for boundaries
left  = CompiledSubDomain("near(x[0], 0.)")
right = CompiledSubDomain("near(x[0], 1.)")

# Label boundaries, required for the objective
boundary_parts = MeshFunction("size_t", mesh, mesh.topology().dim()-1)
left.mark(boundary_parts, 0)
right.mark(boundary_parts, 1)

Then, an expression is built for the time dependent source term. We need to provide member functions for evaluating the function and its derivative.

class Source(Expression):
    def __init__(self, omega=Constant(2e2), Source=None, derivative=None, **kwargs):
        """ Construct the source function """
        self.t = 0.0
        self.omega = omega
        self.derivative = derivative
        self.source = Source # needed to get the matching time instant
    def eval(self, value, x):
        """ Evaluate the source function and it's derivative"""
        if self.derivative is None:        
            if x[0] < 1e-15:
                value[0] = np.sin(float(self.omega)*self.t)
                value[0] = 0.
        elif self.derivative == self.omega:
            if x[0] < 1e-15:
                value[0] = self.source.t*np.cos(float(self.omega)*self.source.t)
                value[0] = 0.

Before the inverse problem can be solved, we have to implement the forward problem:

def forward(excitation, c=Constant(1.), record=False, annotate=False):
    """ The forward problem """
    # Define function space
    U = FunctionSpace(mesh, "Lagrange", 1)

    # Set up initial values
    u0 = Function(U, name = "u0", annotate = annotate)
    u1 = Function(U, name = "u1", annotate = annotate)

    # Define test and trial functions
    v = TestFunction(U)
    u = TrialFunction(U)

    # Define variational formulation
    udot = (u - 2.*u1 + u0)
    uold = (0.25*u + 0.5*u1 +0.25*u0)
    F = (udot*v+k*k*c*c*uold.dx(0)*v.dx(0))*dx - u*v*ds(0) + excitation*v*ds(0)
    a = lhs(F)
    L = rhs(F)

    # Prepare solution
    u = Function(U, name = "u", annotate = annotate)

    # The actual timestepping
    if record: rec = [u1(1.),]
    i = 1
    t = 0.0        # Initial time
    T = 3.e-1      # Final time
    times = [t,]
    if annotate: adj_start_timestep()
    while t < T - .5*float(k):
        excitation.t = t + float(k)
        solve(a == L, u, annotate = annotate)
        u0.assign(u1, annotate = annotate)
        u1.assign(u, annotate = annotate)

        t = i*float(k)
        if record:
        if annotate: adj_inc_timestep(t, t > T - .5*float(k))
        i += 1

    if record:
        np.savetxt("recorded.txt", rec)

    return u1, times

Note that the forward solver has been implemented as straight forward as possible, with litte attention for efficiency. E.g., a significant speed-up could be realized by re-using the factorization of linear system.

Also a function is defined to assemble the objective

# Prepare the objective function
def objective(times, u, observations):
    """ The objective """
    combined = zip(times, observations)
    area = times[-1] - times[0]
    M = len(times)
    I = area/M*sum(inner(u - u_obs, u - u_obs)*ds(1)*dt[t]
                   for (t, u_obs) in combined)

Now we can have a look at the optimization procedure

def optimize(dbg=False):
    """ The optimization routine """
    # Define the control
    Omega = Constant(190)
    source = Source(Omega, degree=3, name="source")
    # provide the coefficient on which this expression depends and its derivative
    source.dependencies = [Omega]
    source.user_defined_derivatives = {Omega: Source(Omega, Source = source, derivative=Omega, degree=3)}

    # Execute first time to annotate and record the tape
    u, times = forward(source, 2*DOLFIN_PI, False, True)

    if dbg:
        # Check the recorded tape
        success = replay_dolfin(tol = 0.0, stop = True)
        print("replay: ", success)

        # for the equations recorded on the forward run
        adj_html("forward.html", "forward")
        # for the equations to be assembled on the adjoint run
        adj_html("adjoint.html", "adjoint")

    # Load references
    refs = np.loadtxt("recorded.txt")

    # create noise to references
    gamma = 1.e-5
    if gamma > 0:
        noise = np.random.normal(0, gamma, refs.shape[0])

        # add noise to the refs
        refs += noise

    # map refs to be constant
    refs = list(map(Constant, refs))

    # Define the control
    control = Control(Omega)

    Jform = objective(times, u, refs)
    J = Functional(Jform)
    # compute the gradient
    dJd0 = compute_gradient(J, control)
    print("gradient = ", float(dJd0))
    # Prepare the reduced functional
    reduced_functional = ReducedFunctional(J, control, eval_cb_post = eval_cb)

    # Run the optimisation
    omega_opt = minimize(reduced_functional, method = "L-BFGS-B",\

The code can be run as follows:

""" Compute  a reference solution (once) """
Source = source(omega = Constant(2e2), degree=3)
forward(Source, 2*DOLFIN_PI, True)

""" Start the optimization procedure """

The complete code can be downloaded here.


Running the code results in an approximation for the optimal value which is correct up to the noise level will be obtained.